I know what it feels like to want to control my body and food in the past. My food journey wasn't always pleasant or positive.
You can find my personal food freedom journey during my nutrition graduate program on instagram @typecnutrition. I used this account to practice and grow while I was learning intuitive eating principles and working towards full food freedom. My food pictures on that account are intentionally imperfect* because I was working through my own perfectionist tendencies.
I share pieces of my story in sessions with clients when I feel it may be beneficial for their process or I share in podcasts, posts or videos.
If you are interested in learning more about me, connect with me on my social platforms where I share personal experiences and updates. I am most active on instagram @elliekelseynutrition_llc
I also didn't like spending so much time taking pictures of my food and wanted to diversify my feed for myself and others.